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Faith is the strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. During my travels to Thailand for a few months, I looked further into my family's religious beliefs.
I sat and meditated with a monk for the day. Afterwards he blessed me with good health, happiness and prosperity for the years to follow.
Around the time I was visiting Thailand, I got to experience the country's celebration of the Queen's birthday where everything was decorated.
Visiting sacred temples.


Faith can often come across as a solely religious term, but it can be used to describe a number of things. It simply means believing in a possibility. For example, the guy surfing has faith that his board will not break when he lands. I have faith that my car will get me to where I need to go. Friends have faith in each other that they will be truthful and good friends. It is an idea that describes much more than just religion.
The Christmas eve service at Foothill Christian Church.
This man must have faith in his board so that he doesn't have to worry if he will crash or not.
I have faith (probably misplaced) that my car will get me places safely.
