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About Andy

A picture that I find funny.
Another photo I enjoy.

My name is Andy Lee Jackson. I am a senior at Bonita High School and I am taking Mr. Eichen's Digital English class. You can click here for a list of my classmates. I spend much of my time in the class procrastinating and talking to Dana. I also spend a substantial amount of time listening to the Hamilton soundtrack. I am sure my tendency to be off task in class displeases my teacher. I am a fan of jokes and cute animals. I have included two photos that I believe are adequate summaries of my interests.

The PACE Project

The PACE Project, also known as the senior project, is a year long project completed in senior year at Bonita High School. It has two parts, a project, and a paper. My project was done on theatre. you can see more information about it here.

The Project

The project requires at least 20 hours of work. For my hours, I volunteered with the Inland Valley Repertory Theatre.

The Paper

The 8 page paper that accompanies the project must be in some way related to the hours of work. For my paper, I wrote on the benefits of theatre and why it needs increased funding.