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About Me

Tyler Poepping and I

My name is Joseph Lukas Grapentin and I am currently seventeen years old. I am also currently attending the school Bonita located in La Verne California which is a high school. I enjoy supporting my school and having school spirit s much as I can. I take advantage of this trait of mine by being on the cheer squad and also entering as many school activities, clubs, and social groups as I can at the school. This helps me get more involved with the school and help me show off my levels of admiration for this school. Another hobby of mine is to converse with my friends and fellow peers on the weekends, going out and doing a number of various activities that help me increase my social skills which will become more important and vital to succeed in the workplace for business meetings and such later on in life.

I am enrolled into Digital English IV, which is much more different then the basic english classes. Students are engaged with each other and each assignment that is assigned to them with the use of technology. By bringing our own laptops, or tablets for some individuals, we are able to login online t the digital classroom and see assignments, concepts, and ideas visually which is much more dynamic and engaging for students especially at our age. This increased level of incorporation of technology and classwork helps students like us actually do our work and help us understand he basic concepts much more easier due to the level of engagement with each student. To sum everything up, digital english is one of my favorite classes I have taken here at Bonita high school and continues to not only teach me life lessons and tools I will need later on in life but also having fun in the classroom with classwork which is a rare thing to have during school. Two people who also have shared similar experiences and have wiki pages of their own are, Mumford and Eubanks.


For my Senior P.A.C.E project I decided to tackle the problems product development firms face in the workplace. Essentially there are a ton of evolving and constantly changing problems and issues that these firms face on an everyday basis that have either really simple solutions or have long tedious ones that are quite that easy to figure out. By volunteering hours of time at a local product development firm in La Verne, CA named Idea House & CO. I was able to see these issues that the firms face on a real level. I was able to put a face to the problems they were facing and by observing and taking down notes in a journal on every visit I had, I was able to view the solutions that they came up with to every problem or issue that arose within the product development firm. Here is a link to another overlook of my project. Portfolio


Project Evidence

Getting more specific about the project, twice a week after school I would venture down to the product development firm, which was located just down the street from my school which allowed for ease of access and worked with my schedule and my mentor;s schedule easier. During these visit, I would take down notes on every step we took and what was happening into a digital journal on my laptop. On a usual visit, there would be a big overall project that takes a long time to develop and is in the early stage of development, while also having smaller products that would only take a week and a half to complete. By juggling multiple projects at once, problems would slowly arise fir my mentor and his product development firm, but by observing their decision making they created solutions for all of them which I recorded in my journal for my paper I would be shortly writing after my visits.


Project Evidence

For my paper I have decided to talk about all of the struggles and issues these product development firms face that I have touched on above. The paper revolves around a problem/solution type of essay where I introduce a conflict that one of the firms has come up upon, then state they many types of solutions that the firms have taken to eliminate this issue for their firm. By following along one of the product development firms, I was able to closely view these issues and study them up close to get a first hand account of the real issues that are going on now. This level of detail on the product development firm and their issues that they face made it extremely easy to write and construct me essay. Over the course of the essay, a lot of key concepts and revolutionary ideas start to pop up, which help prove the thesis statement that is addressed in the beginning. To view my essay, se my website linked above.

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