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about us

About me

My name is Jann Lowe De Rivera. Yes, it's a unique name. I always write my full name for everything. My birthday is in July. My favorite color is blue and I like to play video games. Pugs are pretty cool, I'd like to get one one day. Oh, and I think I'm a wizard. Digital English is basically regular English however everything is done with technology. We use paper once in a blue moon, and the class can be really easy if you are already fairly related to these types of things. Some of my classmates about me pages can include: Fiola Silva

I'm not really a wizurd.
It's a pug.

PACE Project


My senior project was completely hands on. For the first half, I worked with a digital camera. First, I had to learn the camera itself. By this I mean all of the buttons and features on the digital camera itself, along with programs that could be useful to me such as Photoshop. This part can be totaled to around 13-14 hours of the project itself. For the second half, I worked with a film camera. This procedure was like exactly like digital however the process took a bit longer making my total project around 28-29 hours of total logged timed.


For the paper, I'm doing a compare and contrast of the pros and cons of both digital and film. The first 2-4 pages are about digital's pros and cons, while the next 4-8 are about film's pros and cons. Overall, the message of my essay is to try and persuade the reader that film still has a place in the world of photography although it's techniques may seem outdated.