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About Me

Hello, my name is Brad Schlichting. I am in Mr. Eichen's Digital English class. In the Digital English class, we bring our own computers to class everyday and do all of our work on our computers. We have an online class where we go to find out what we are doing today in class and where to turn stuff in at. It is a super cool class because its not like all the other english classes. It is really beneficial for the senior project, because we work on it in class and everything we have is on google docs, so we can do our work from any network or any computer.


For my paper I am writing about the health problems that firefighters face. There are many different cancers and respiratory issues that firefighters face during their career. To obtain my hours for this project I enrolled in the fire explorer program for LA county.


While being in the fire explorer program I have learned the basics to firefighting. I have learned how the breathing apparatus works, the different sized ladders and their functions, the different types of hoses that they use and the different components to the fire engine. Being a part of the explorer program has taught me how apply simple tasks to everyday activities. The firefighters also teach us how to be better individuals by teaching us discipline and order.


My paper shows that firefighters are at least 15% more likely to develop cancers compared to the public. The most common cancer that firefighters get is lung cancer. From all of the chemicals in the air and on the ground from a fire, firefighters are breathing in those chemicals and it really starts to deteriorate their bodies. Firefighters take risks everyday while they are on call. They spend up to 72 hours at the station on one shift. Firefighting is a very dangerous career path to go into, but the reward of saving lives overpowers the cons to the job.

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