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What Is Fear

Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger, if we didn't feel it, we couldn't protect ourselves from legitimate threats. If humans were unable to fear, the human race would have been brought to an end long ago due to taking a serious threat head on because we do not fear them. Fear can be similar to a phobia, which is defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation, in which the person will go to great lengths to avoid it.

No one is scared of being alone in the woods, they are scared they might NOT be alone in the woods...


People can fear just about anything. According to the 2005 Gallup Poll the top 10 fears in the United States are:

  1. Terrorist Attacks
  2. Spiders
  3. Death
  4. Being a Failure
  5. War
  6. Criminal Violence
  7. Gang Violence
  8. Being Alone
  9. The Future
  10. Nuclear War
  11. Dank Memes
  12. Eichen

What Fear Doesn't Want You To Know

  1. Anyone can do anything they set their mind to.
  2. It never too late to make major changes in your life.
  3. Everyone deserve to move in the direction of their desires.
  4. Nobody should tell you what to do other than you.
  5. Your past failures do not dictate anything about your future.
  6. You are stronger than you really are.
  7. The only thing getting in the way of your goal is that thick skull.
  8. You can influence your life and the lives of others for the better.
  9. Happiness is a right and it is in the Constitution.
  10. Nobody judges you as hard as you do. Except Casey. Casey judges you hard. Like when he calls Anthony ugly and gay.
  11. The world does not stop whether you are here or not so do something to make it go faster.
  12. You are someone's hero and they are waiting. Do not let anyone down.
  13. The past is everything you have been able to do comfortably and is nowhere near the limit of what can be done.

Connection to The Wife's Story

The Wife's Story is scary because marriage and being in a committed relationship for that long is just terrifying.

Connection to Jekyll & Hyde

Jekyll and Hyde has an element of fear because people die and almost everyone is scared of dying. Except me, I'm no punk a** b**** coward.

Connection to I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

There are many elements of fear in the short story, at the very beginning of the story it hits you with the hanging bodies drained of their blood which can strike fear into the reader. AM controls everything around them, AM is a supercomputer responsible for the destruction of the human race except for this group of 5. He prevents them from being able to kill themselves and makes them practically immortal to have them suffer for the rest of their lives. Towards the end of the story when they finally reach the cave filled with canned food, they realize they have no way of opening them. In an act of desperation Benny attack Gorrister and begins eating his face. They all begin to kill each other and Ted is the last man standing. This then makes AM even more angry and punishes Ted for sacrificing himself to save his friends by turning him into a blob that will live forever.

Connection to Tell-Tale Heart

The connection with Tell-Tale Heart and fear is the fact that Psycho's are scary and we should all fear them. The story is about a Psychopath who lives with an old man and is scared of his eye because it is... different. His eye is probably just cloudy in the cataracts but Psycho doesn't know that because he isn't an optometrist. Psycho proceeds to kill the old man just because of his eye and proceeds to dismember his limbs and hide the parts. The Po Lice show up because neighbors heard a scream and Psycho welcomes them in because he feels he can play as if he didn't do anything wrong. The Po Lice complete their search and find nothing of interest and stay a little bit longer in the Psycho's house. Psycho begins to hear a disturbing ringing and thinks the old man's eye is haunting him but really it's probably just some guilt. He confesses to the Po Lice and he is then arrested but believes it was worth it because the ringing is gone. Damn Crazies.

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