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The class assignment today builds on what we talked about yesterday in class. You guys are to build a page together than explains the elements of horror. Start by creating subsections for this page, and then start working on those subsections. Include whatever seems relevant.


A character is a person depicted in a narrative or drama.


Fear is the sense of unknowing and uncertainty within something or about something.


Foreshadowing is when events occurring early in the story hint to a bigger event happening later in the story.


Nothing feels worse than watching a character who can't change there fate. We feel for them because they feel helpless. Helplessness is that weak,powerless,and hopeless feeling that deprives us of not being able to act. This is something we can relate to.


Imagination is the process of perceiving images and concepts in the mind of what is not actually present. It connects to horror by creating images out the scenes readers are hooked in on.


The feeling of intensity in horror is important and helps place emphasis on events within the story. Intensity can make the reader feel nervous, anxious, or excited about what is happening or about to happen in a story.


Mystery is defined as; something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. A mystery is a problem or an occurrence that leaves you baffled. This interests you and peaks your curiosity, making you want to find the answer to the problem or why something happened. In horror novels the protagonist, or central character, is the detective, and the rest of the characters are usually the suspects to an event that took place.


The setting of a horror story influences the mood and tone from the very beginning of the story.


A spoiler is when the audience knows an element of the plot or an attribute of a character that other characters in the story do not know. This technique is used by writers to keep their audiences hooked into the plot. It keeps them on the edge of their seats throughout the entire movie or book. They are constantly anticipating the worst because they know the information. It creates a lot of suspense because the plot builds up to where something could happen, almost the climax, but then resolves before the news is discovered. Stories and movies use this tactics all the time in order to keep their plot interesting.


A supernatural thing is an object or person that is attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. However, many people have different opinions on the supernatural, like some believe that there is something else outside of our reach and some believe that there isn't really anything besides the things we can grasp. The people that may believe in it may also believe in ghosts and vampires. While, those who do not believe in the supernatural will only believe in what they can see, hear, and taste.


The element of surprise is used to catch an audience off guard, and it can completely sway the opinions, attitudes, and perspectives of everything and everyone involved in the story. Surprise is universal, but it can take on many forms.


Suspense is one of the most common elements of a good horror story. It's the feeling that you get when something occurs that no one was expecting to happen, say when a character thinks they are safe and then they are startled. Without this simple element, a horror story can be hard to stay engaged with, and thus defeats the purpose of the story.


When you read something and you don’t normally associate it with horror because it hasn’t been used as much in that context, you're lack of knowledge of what is going to happen next will make the shock value greater.


Urgency is something that requires swift action in times of importance. In the context of horror, urgency ties in with the suspense factor. People are always wanting to know what will happen next and what is going to happen. Readers of any horror book or constant viewers of horror films will feel the urgency that characters in the books or film feel.