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MRW Eichen is walking towards me and I'm playing games during class.

About Me

My name is Nick Pinson (born October 27th, 1998),and I am a student that goes to Bonita High School. After high school, I plan to go to California State University of Monterey Bay. I'm a gamer and enjoy playing games with my friends Casey Fiola, Steven Schmitt, Jann Lowe,and Anthony Silva. For my senior year English class, I took Mr. Eichen's Digital English class. Thankfully this class has made my senior year really easy.


For my senior research paper I wrote about the negative impacts humans have on the environment. In order to accomplish this I volunteered at San Dimas Canyon Nature Center for my hours and helped care for the animals there. A portfolio of my PACE can be found here.


I volunteered at the San Dimas Canyon Nature Center, I volunteered there on Saturday's whenever I could. At the Nature Center I helped care for the animals there and help nursed the animals back to health to be released back into the wild. I fed tortoises, deer, and birds, I also cleaned tortoise, deer, and bird cages. I also did animal presentations to a public audience. I would prepare hours in advance by studying up on the animal I was presenting, then we would go down to the San Dimas Canyon Park and tell people about the animal presentations, set up for the presentation, then present to those who showed up.


In my paper I wrote about the negative effects humans have on the environment. In the paper I go on about the many negative effects that the humans have on the environment. I also talk about some possible fixes to the problems that humans have started causing.

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